Category: City Builder

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Cities: Skylines to get a free Theme Editor, with way more map customization options

By Liam Dawe,
Cities: Skylines looks like it's getting some really great support, and with a free update coming soon we will get access to a new Theme Editor. We also have a video with some of the Snowfall expansion gameplay.

Valhalla Hills, a rather unique city-builder strategy game now on SteamOS & Linux

By Liam Dawe,
I only learnt about Valhalla Hills recently, as they stealth-added a Linux version just before the official release. GOG sent over a key for this interesting Unreal Engine city-builder strategy game, so I took a look.

City Builder 'Banished' May See A Linux Release Soon

By Liam Dawe,
The excitement is building within me about this, as I've wanted to try the harsh city builder Banished ever since I first heard about it.

Cities: Skylines - After Dark Patch & Expansion Released, Some Initial Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Cities: Skylines was already a pretty big game, and now it is simply huge thanks to a big free patch and the first expansion.
Showing 260 to 264 of 264 entries found.